
Starting Your BHRT Journey: What to Expect

It’s a new year, and that means it might be time for a new you. Many folks start out the year with a new diet or an exercise routine. Certainly, those can be good ideas, but if you really want to maximize your well-being, it’s wise to consider BHRT pellet therapy. BHRT stands for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy¹ and is a treatment method designed to ensure proper hormone balance. Let’s take a closer look at this type of treatment and what you can expect.

Step One: Your Journey Starts With a Consultation

Before you begin BHRT pellet therapy, it’s crucial to sit down with a medical professional to discuss your overall health, what you’re experiencing, and what you’d like to achieve. The specific treatment plan for one patient may differ from the treatment plan for another.

Your doctor will also conduct a physical examination, and typically, extensive lab tests are carried out to accurately measure what imbalances² you might suffer from. Once your medical provider has all this information in hand, they can help you craft a treatment plan that will help you achieve more balanced hormone levels.

Step Two: Start BHRT Pellet Therapy and Jump-Start a Renewed You

Once your medical provider has a deeper understanding of your hormonal imbalances, they can begin to provide treatment. The pellets used in BHRT hormonal therapy will typically contain a mix of hormones that will slowly be released into your body. The exact mix of hormones will depend on your specific situation.

BHRT pellets usually last for several months. During this time, you won’t have to worry about taking medicines or applying creams. Instead, the pellets will slowly and steadily release hormones.

Step Three: Monitor Hormone Levels and Manage Symptoms

Many people will start to notice the effects of BHRT pellet therapy within just a few weeks. You may notice an improved mood, increased sex drive, and various other benefits. Your medical providers can continue to monitor your condition and hormone levels. Hair, nails, and other tissues may also seem healthier.

Find a Pellecome® BHRT Pellet Therapy Provider Near You

If you’d like to learn more about BHRT pellet therapy, get in touch with Pellecome by dialing 888-773-9969 or click here to find a provider near you.

  1. Contributors WE. What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy? [Internet]. WebMD. Available from:
  2. Corinne O’Keefe Osborn. Everything You Should Know About Hormonal Imbalance [Internet]. Healthline. Healthline Media; 2017. Available from:

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