what are the symptoms of low pregnenolone 61f0313be6ced

What Are the Symptoms of Low Pregnenolone?

Hormones are one of the key factors in regulating various complicated functions within the human body, such as sex drive, hunger, metabolism, cognitive function, and human growth and regenerative abilities. Hormones are primarily part of the endocrine system, but can also belong to sub-set systems, such as the adrenal glands. In fact, the hormones produced by the adrenal glands may have some of the most profound effects on aging wellness. At Pellecome in Gladstone, NJ, we know the benefit of keeping all hormones producing at a high capacity, including pregnenolone.

What Are the Symptoms of Low Pregnenolone?

A decline in the production of any hormone may lead to a hormonal imbalance that can affect your daily functioning. The symptoms of low hormones or imbalanced hormone production can vary depending on the degree of the imbalance and the level of hormones your body is used to. For example, the symptoms of can low pregnenolone include:

  • Poor memory
  • Declining concentration and attention
  • Fatigue
  • Dry skin
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Decreased sex drive

These symptoms are the same in both women and men. Why? Largely because of how this particular hormone is produced, the role it plays in the body, and the onset of the natural decline of this hormone’s production within the body.

What Is Pregnenolone?

This hormone is known as a “precursor hormone” that is used as a core building blocking the development of other hormones in the body. The profile of this hormone is produced naturally by the body primarily by the brain, gonad glands, and the adrenal system, and is derived from the cholesterol in the body.

Because much of this hormone is produced by the adrenal system, it’s often the first step in creating specialized hormones, particularly progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, DHEA, and cortisol. The best way to think about this hormone is to consider it the stepping stone to normal hormone production in the body.

How Does This Hormone Work?

As a precursor hormone, particularly for gonadal steroid hormones and adrenal corticosteroids, this hormone is found throughout the body, playing multiple roles in creating other steroids and hormones in the body that regulate body functions.

Essentially, this hormone works as a parent for other steroids because it goes through a transformation during synthesis, maturing into other steroids in the body. From a humble start as a cholesterol chain, this hormone is diverse and highly receptive to developing into one of many important hormones that keep the body functioning smoothly.

Why Is It Important?

The ability of this hormone to mature into specific steroids is essential to regulating a variety of physiological responses, such as stress, anxiety, memory, concentration, and reproductive health. This is important because the human body relies on the smooth operation of hormones to maintain health and wellness. In the case of this hormone, secondary sex steroids like progesterone are reliant on the synthesis of this hormone to produce other hormones that impact the regulation of sex characteristics and reproductive health.

Is This Hormone Deficiency Related to Aging?

As with many other hormones, the decline or deficiency of this hormone is related directly to aging. It’s estimated that the synthesis of this hormone begins to decline at around age 30, the onset of which is intrinsically linked directly to the dilution of other hormones in the body that will also decline as a result of the natural aging process.

Can You Correct Low Hormones?

Deficiency in this hormone can be corrected by taking an adequate dosage each day via a dietary supplement, such as Pellecome’s Pregnenolone supplement. By increasing the level of this hormone in your body, you may be able to increase other regulatory hormones, such as progesterone and cortisol.

What Results Can You Expect?

Taking a dietary supplement to raise your level of this hormone may be very effective for many people. The results you can expect from this supplement include:

  • Maintain the body’s stress response
  • Balance mood
  • Promote cognitive health
  • Help learning and memory function
  • Aid in the production of other important hormones

In particular, the results of taking this hormone with a dietary supplement suggests that the cognitive function of the individual may improve over time. This hormone is associated with cerebral plasticity, and it may be the case that increasing the level of this hormone in your body may improve cognitive health, learning, and memory.

Other FAQs

1. What Is the Role of Cortisol?

Cortisol is classically known as the “stress hormone” and is associated mainly with the body’s stress response, particularly during fight, flight, or freeze. Cortisol is produced in the adrenal system and is directly related to adrenal responses. The adrenal system itself is associated with both metabolism and the immune response.

Cortisol plays a vital role in the regulation of many systems, which is why the body is particularly sensitive to cortisol levels. For example, when cortisol levels are high in response to stress, the health of the body may decline with a weaker or compromised immune system, as well as deregulation of hunger, normal metabolic processes, and reproductive health. This is part of the reason why chronic stress is bad for your overall health.

What Happens When Cortisol Is Too Low?

Beyond the body’s natural response to trigger the release of cortisol in response to stress stimulants, there are some people who do not produce an adequate amount of cortisol in the body at all. Producing too little cortisol is associated with Addison’s disease, which, although considered a rare condition, shares many symptoms with those who have declining or insufficient hormones, including:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss and decreased appetite
  • Low blood pressure, even fainting
  • Low blood sugar
  • Muscle or joint pains
  • Irritability and depression

2. What Is DHEA and Why Is It Important?

DHEA is another hormone produced naturally by the body by the adrenal glands. DHEA is associated with the development of other hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, and is considered another “parent” or “precursor” hormone. DHEA is also one of the most abundant hormones in the body, which is why it’s been the focus of many recent studies.

Although studies are still being conducted, there are promising results in how DHEA can be used to benefit health. For example, some studies have found that DHEA may be helpful in the treatment of:

  • Depression
  • Obesity
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Problems linked to menopause

Because DHEA itself relies on a precursor steroid to help regulate body systems, it’s equally as important to ensure that there is enough of DHEA’s own parent hormone in the body to increase levels of DHEA.

3. What Is Progesterone and What Does It Do?

Progesterone is one of the more unique hormones in both the female and male bodies. Progesterone is produced by the gonadal glands (the ovaries in women and the testes in men), which makes it a sex hormone related to reproductive health.

In Women

In women, progesterone is involved in monthly menstruation to promote changes in the uterus, and also involved in the production of breast milk. Women with low progesterone may have unregulated cycles or heavy menstruation, and can even cause higher levels of estrogen, which may decrease sex drive and increase weight gain.

In Men

In men, progesterone is the natural antithesis of estrogen, which increases in men during andropause, meaning progesterone can preserve strength, hair growth, and libido, as well as prevent prostate complications. Low progesterone in mean may also impact sleep regulation, muscle movement, the cardiovascular system, and the immune system.

4. How Much Can a Hormone Imbalance Interfere With Your Life?

A hormonal imbalance can have a huge impact on the quality of your daily living. From basic temperature control to your cardiovascular health, hormones play a significant role in regulating body systems that keep you healthy and maintain your wellbeing.

As men and women age, the decline in the production of hormones in the body is tacitly linked to the decline of other systems in the body. Both men in andropause and women in menopause are more at risk of developing osteoporosis, although women are at higher risk because of the sudden drop in estrogen, while men have a slight benefit in the fact that their testosterone levels tend to decline more gradually.

5. It Taking Hormones Orally Safe and Effective?

Taking hormones orally is a safe and effective means of correcting your hormone and steroid levels. In fact, according to one study, oral ingestion may be just as effective as IV administration, particularly if quick-dissolving tablets are used. When supplements can make it into the bloodstream more quickly, they may have a better chance at absorption.

6. How Should This Hormone Be Taken?

Pellecome supplements should be taken daily to have the best results. The ideal dosage is 1 to 2 tablets a day in the morning to get the most benefit out of the supplement.

7. Should You Speak With a Physician First?

You should always speak with a physician before taking any new dietary supplement, including vitamins, minerals, and hormones, or steroids. This is because medications you may already be on may contain similar ingredients with higher rates of interactions, and also because some people may not tolerate supplements as well as others. Your regular physician will be able to determine if taking dietary supplements is ideal for your treatment.

8. How Soon Will You See Results From Dietary Supplements?

The results from taking dietary supplements may not show up immediately, even if the supplement is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream. Most people can anticipate supplements requiring at least 3 to 4 months to reach peak effectiveness and to enjoy the best results from treatment. This is because it may take time for the dietary supplement to correct the levels of hormones already in your body. If you are not particularly deficient, you may see results within several weeks.

9. Do Dietary Supplements Work?

Dietary supplements are good options for those who require additional nutrients and minerals that they cannot absorb from their food, either due to poor diet, health issues, or natural deficiencies that require these nutrients and minerals in greater quantities. Dietary supplements containing important hormones may also be effective in protecting health, particularly for mature people who no longer produce these hormones in great quantity.

10. Are Hormone Dietary Supplements Right for You?

If you feel that you suffer from poor memory and concentration, frequent fatigue, dry skin, joint and muscle pain, or decreased sex drive, then you may want to consider a dietary supplement for hormones. Please speak with your physician to verify that dietary supplements are compatible with your regular treatment.

Boost Your Health Levels With Pellecome Supplements

Your health relies on the optimal production of the hormones in your body that regulate your body systems, particularly your cognitive health, immune system, stress response, metabolism, and the aspects of your health associated with well-maintained sex hormones. To learn more about how dietary supplements can boost your health, visit Pellecome in Gladstone, NJ today!

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