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What Drug Can I Use for Hormonal Imbalance?

Hormones are involved in the regulation of our body processes through every tier – from our moods and cognitive function to our metabolism, sexual and reproductive health, and even our structural bone health. Ensuring a hormonal imbalance isn’t always easy, either. Fortunately, the right dietary supplements may be able to help. At Pellecome in Gladstone, NJ, we’re committed to developing the supplements you need to fortify your health, including Vitamin D3 for hormonal imbalances.

What Drug Can I Use for Hormonal Imbalance?

There are a few essential vitamins that have been tagged as being vital for the regulatory behaviors of the body’s internal processes, such as B12, but the one ringer for correcting hormonal imbalance is Vitamin D. If you want to try to subdue your hormonal imbalance with a natural treatment, or if you want to support your BHRT, the best vitamin that should be part of your daily intake might be some form of Vitamin D.

Pellecome Vitamin D3 & K2

Of course, there are many Vitamin D supplements to choose from, not to mention multiple forms of Vitamin D, so you might not be sure which brand or formula is right for you. For those looking to resolve hormonal imbalance, Pellecome’s Vitamin D3 & K2 supplement hits all the right hormone-balancing notes.

The combination of D3 and K2 is a powerful one that’s ideal for balancing hormones. These two vitamins have a certain synergy that lends itself well to better absorption of the vitamins, not to mention better support for bone and immunity health.

While Vitamins D and K have long been known to help support calcium absorption, which in turn supports bone health, new studies indicate that the benefits of Vitamin D for hormone imbalance may be enhanced by the presence of K2, which is particularly helpful in the early stages of estrogen deficiency in women.

What’s the Right Dosage?

The ideal dosage of Vitamin D3 for most people, particularly women, is between 600 and 800 IU a day to maintain a healthy balance in the body. However, if you have a confirmed deficiency or you are using Vitamin D as a supplement to promote health and hormonal balance, the recommendation is 1,000IUs a day.

The Pellecome combination of Vitamin D3 and K2 contains D3 1,000 IU & K2 25 mcg in each dosage, which is measured by a full dropper.

How Should You Use the Dropper?

The dropper makes it very easy to use this particular supplement. All you need to do is combine one full dropper with a meal or a drink during the day to receive the full benefit of the vitamins. If you have concerns about your bone health, you may even want to mix your supplement into a calcium-rich food, such as yogurt or milk.

7 Things You Should Know About Vitamin D3 for Hormonal Imbalance

There are many studies being conducted about the efficacy of Vitamin D as a vital nutrient source, such as the fact that about half the population already has a Vitamin D deficiency. When it comes to Vitamin D3 for hormonal imbalance, the studies are even more exciting, and complex. Here are the most important things to know about research that has been done so far.

1. Vitamin D Is Also a Hormone

Vitamin D is both a vitamin and a hormone – in fact, some experts suggest that we should really be calling the substance a steroid hormone because that’s essentially how it behaves. Generally speaking, steroid hormones are usually those that are produced by the organs in the body, and Vitamin D is produced by synthesizing ultraviolet sun rays that hit the skin into a chemical that is converted by the liver and the kidneys into a substance that binds to protein receptors present in every cell.

This is why it’s more accurate to say that Vitamin D is a prohormone, or a substance that is converted by the body into a hormone or a chemical the body can use to regulate and support body processes. To that end, Vitamin D can both be found in the body and in your food, and that might impact how much Vitamin D you need in your supplement.

Where to Find in the Body

The body can produce most of the Vitamin D you need by itself through the synthesis and conversion process mentioned before. The liver and the kidneys play a huge role in this process.

After Vitamin D has been converted into a hormone the body finds useful, it’s then stored in the fat to be used when necessary, as Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. You can find Vitamin D in a few natural foods, such as fatty fish and egg yolks, as well as in enriched foods, such as cereals.

Where to Find in Food

In general, your food intake of Vitamin D should only make up about 10% of your daily recommended amount. However, absorbing this vitamin from your food can be difficult for a number of reasons, such as eating the right quantities of the food and your body’s ability to absorb Vitamin D efficiently.

This is another of the main reasons that Vitamin D supplements are recommended – because the body needs help gathering enough Vitamin D for storage.

2. Vitamin D Is the Same As Both D2 and D3

If you’ve walked through your local drug store’s vitamin aisle, you might have noticed a few different types of Vitamin D, such as D2 and D3. Does it matter what version of Vitamin D you take? Not really. Studies show the efficacy of all Vitamin D types as a dietary supplement beneficial to health.

What’s the Real Difference Between D, D2, and D3?

If they’re all the same and all equally as effective, then why are there different types of Vitamin D in the first place? Well, while they’re all mostly the same, both D2 and D3 are derived from different sources – D2 comes from plants, while D3 comes from cholesterol in the body.

However, both D2 and D3 must go through the same conversion process to become the active form of Vitamin D that can be used by the body, so, in the end, it doesn’t matter which form you take because it’s all going to the same place and doing the same thing.

3. Vitamin D Deficiency Also Effects Health

Because Vitamin D can become active in any cell that has a protein receptor for the vitamin (which is every cell in the body), it is directly related to a wide array of health concerns. When the body is deficient in Vitamin D, it can lead to issues with bone density, along with:

  • Weak immune system
  • Higher risk fo cardiovascular disease
  • Developing diabetes
  • Depression
  • Certain types of cancer

4. Vitamin D Is Important for Menstrual Health

In 2018, there was a preliminary study conducted to understand the relationship between Vitamin D deficiency and menstrual health, particularly in young women who are still having menstrual cycles.

Menstrual cycles themselves are determined by hormonal balances in the body, such as estrogen and progesterone. This study found that there is also a definitive relationship between active levels of Vitamin D in the body and women’s reproductive health.

The study ultimately concluded that women with Vitamin D deficiency may have menstrual disorders such as long cycles, amenorrhea (absent periods), and oligomenorrhoea (infrequent periods). The study showed that women with Vitamin D deficiency are 5 times more likely to have menstrual disorders, which can impact their hormonal balance and their reproductive health.

5. High Vitamin D Is Linked to Lower Breast Cancer Risk

Speaking of women’s health, another study has found that higher levels of Vitamin D in women who are deficient may lower the risk of types of breast cancers that are associated with high levels of estrogen. The study was combined with a weight loss program to tackle Vitamin D deficiency in two ways – with a supplement and with a natural release of Vitamin D already stored in the body.

Because Vitamin D is stored in body fat, it’s been theorized that those who are overweight are more likely to be Vitamin D deficient, which also correlates with the fact that women who have high blood estrogen also tend to gain weight more easily. This study concluded that the combination of weight loss and the increased level of Vitamin D in the body suppressed the amount of blood estrogen, thus lowering the risk of developing breast cancer.

Breast Cancer and Estrogen

There are different types of breast cancer, and one of the most pervasive types is the one that relies on estrogen receptors in the malignant cells to grow. Having higher levels of blood estrogen in the body has been linked to a higher chance of developing certain types of breast cancers, which is why reducing blood estrogen levels may decrease your risk factors.

6. You Should Ask Your Physician About Your Vitamin D Levels

If you think you taking Vitamin D supplements may be a way to help with your hormonal imbalance, it’s always best to check with your regular physician first.

Although many people do have a Vitamin D deficiency from not getting enough sun exposure or not eating enough foods rich in Vitamin D, it’s always best to speak with your physician first to confirm the dosage that is recommended for you specifically.

How the Test Works

Your doctor will be able to test the level of Vitamin D present in your blood by conducting a simple blood serum test, which will assess the amount of Vitamin D circulating in your blood. If you have fewer than 20 nanograms per milliliter in your blood, then you are likely a good candidate for a Vitamin D supplement. Your physician will tell you the recommended daily dose you require to reach optimal levels for balancing your hormones.

7. Vitamin D Can Help With Multiple Hormonal Imbalances

Adequate levels of Vitamin D in the body is essential to regulating normal body functions, especially those related to hormonal imbalance. Although Vitamin D can help with hormonal imbalances at any age, the use of this supplement is usually recommended for aging peoples. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance for women in menopause and men in andropause include:

  • Weight gain
  • Hot flashes
  • Skin dryness
  • Mood changes
  • Lower libido
  • Less dense bones

Are You Ready to Try D3 for Hormonal Imbalance?

Whether you want to start correcting your hormonal imbalance as naturally as possible by yourself, or you want to support the effects of your BHRT, using Vitamin D3 for hormonal imbalance might be the best option for you. Always speak with your physician before starting new supplements. If you’re ready to use Vitamin D3 for hormonal imbalance, visit Pellecome in Gladstone, NJ today!

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