Book with words bioidentical hormones on a table.

Why Consider Pellets for Your BHRT Services?

There are several methods of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Topical patches, creams, and ointments are all popular options. So too are injections and oral medications, both of which can produce results within just a few short weeks.

Traditional methods of BHRT, such as injections or ointments, are time-tested and trusted, but they can produce wildly different results in different patients. Some of this has to do with individual physiological responses to treatment. Some of it, however, has to do with how the hormones themselves are delivered.

BHRT Pellet Delivery

BHRT pellets have been shown to be more reliable, predictable, and efficacious than topical and ingested alternatives in both clinical studies and through patient-reported outcomes.

Strategically placed in subcutaneous tissue in the gluteal region, BHRT pellets get to work quickly, often producing results in as few as seven to ten days, though it may be several weeks or a few months before results are fully realized. Follow-up applications, spaced a few months apart, help to ensure continued results, allowing BHRT to improve physical, emotional, cognitive, and sexual response as long as treatment is continued.

Treatment can be discontinued without risks at any time.

While pellet delivery of bioidentical hormones has shown to be more efficacious, not all delivery systems are equal. In fact, many on the market are cumbersome to use and may not be as effective at preventing bunching and overlapping. What’s more, many pellet delivery systems require individual cleaning of instruments and may come with a higher risk of infection. These issues have been addressed with the Re3® Advanced Pellet Delivery System from Pellecome.

Our patented Re3 Advanced Pellet Delivery System was created to optimize patient outcomes and satisfaction while enhancing both provider and patient experience. Ergonomically designed and easy to use, the insertion tool has been crafted to reduce patient discomfort while ensuring pellets are placed exactly where they need to be to produce the most benefit in each patient.

If you are considering adding BHRT to your practice or if you would like a side-by-side comparison with your existing BHRT system, give us a call at 888-773-9969 to learn more about our exclusive Re3 Advanced Pellet Delivery System today.

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Two Part Training Seminar (Option 1)

Hands-On Training
January 25, 2025 - Newport Beach, CA
March 8, 2025 - Naples, FL